Shop Men's
Longsleeve T-Shirts
bvs compass
Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly for the colored t-shirts
Do Justice Love Kindness Walk Humbly
Big Love by-the-Sea Color T-shirts
Big Love by-the-Sea
Mississippi Mardi Gras
Steel Your Faith Grateful Dead Mass Commemorative (for dark items)
Steel Your Faith (light shirts, mugs, sticker and prints)
ST. PETER'S BY-THE-SEA LOGO (for darker shirts)
Sgt. Pepper's St. Peter's
Sgt. Pepper's St. Peter's (Aqua)
The Gospel (for dark colored items)
The Gospel (for light colored items)
I am the Walrus
Octopus' Garden (for light colored items)
Octopus' Garden (for dark colored items)
Beatles Mass - All You Need is Big Love (for dark colored items)
Beatles Mass - All You Need is Big Love (for light colored items)
St. Peter's Big Love Heart on Dark Colors
St. Peter's by-the-Sea Big Love